Re-orienting, Re-focusing
Since this blog languishes for long periods between entries, I've decided to re-think the way that I want Debra Leigh Says to operate. As my bio indicates, I work in a lot of different areas - academia, the arts, activism, world religions and spirituality. But so far, this blog hasn't really served as a centralized location for those areas of activity, instead being more focused on the political realities, the current events of our times. So, I have decided that I'll be sharing a lot more in this space, with a kind of restructuring of the formations, mirroring the passions and concerns and activities of my life. There will be blogs about arts and creativity, which will link and relate to our arts blogs, Hidden River Arts and Cabaret Divas . There will be blogs about exploration, learning and wisdom. These will link to our Guerilla U blog and our soon-to-be-launched Isidore Internatioal website, as well as to the 'Junct Rebellion site where you'll find lots o...